
Green Design Ideas - Help save the planet!

In light of what happens in Japan at the moment, I'm trying to help the people with all I can. In addition I'm thinking even more about how I can contribute to a green and healthier world. It's amazing to discover so many beautiful products with eco-friendly design. Here are some of my highlights for you...

Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Krise in Japan versuchen wir alle, den Menschen dort bestmöglich zu helfen. Mir wird noch mehr bewußt, was wir täglich für unsere Umwelt tun können. Wieviel Spaß Umweltschutz machen kann, zeigen die vielen stylischen Produkte, die einen Beitrag für eine grünere Welt leisten. Hier eine kleine Auswahl meiner Lieblingsprodukte...

  • Lovely Giraffe Necklace, 24 karat by Kvast Berlin
  • Beautifully designed, eco-friendly journals and notebooks. You can plant the seed-embedded cover and wildflowers will grow. Designed by Botanical PaperWorks
  • The perfect lip balm by Hurraw!: all natural, vegan, made from premium raw, organic and fair trade ingredients
  • Earth friendly colourful bamboo bowls from Bibol France
  • Origami reusable Shopper from Envirosax, the design is influenced by the playful street fashion in Japan
  • Save the planet – Grow your own little tree in a Bag from Canova

And since this topic is so much fun, I thought I jot down some more tips for you. Hope you'll like them... Und weil mir das Thema gerade so viel Spaß macht, kommen hier noch ein paar Tips für den Alltag!

        image source: bike, shopping bags, flowers

8 Kommentare:

  1. Great post idea... I really enjoyed it!

    Angela x
    (Fellow BYW student)

  2. This is such a great idea. I love all of your ideas, especially because they are green! Thanks for sharing.

  3. toller Beitrag! ich freue mich, dass ich deinen blog gefunden habe...lg


  4. The colourful bamboo bowls are my favorite ^^
    Ps: I appreciate you taking the time to "follow" my blog. Thanks for being there!"

  5. Thank you all for your lovely comments. They really brigthen my day ;-)
    Wishing you a happy weekend!


  6. Hi Tesca, thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Good luck with your blog, it looks great! Oh, and I love your logo!! See you in class :)

  7. Hallo Tesca Was fuer eine gute Idee - einfach super! Nun folge ich Dir. J x (BYW Studentin)

  8. Hi Tesca
    Brilliant post. So many beautiful things and an improtant reminder about being green in all aspects of our lives. Your blog has a lovely restful feel about it. It's so great to be able to discover such creative people through the BYW course.
    x Solange


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