I guess some of you have really been waiting for this... Because when I started the incredible e-class "Blogging your way" three weeks ago (wow, time just flies by...), I promised that I'll introduce some of my new blog faves to you. The first four blogs you'll meet today, are fellow students and have really helped me through the first hurdles of my new blogging existence. Some pay sweet attention to me and my blog with lovely comments, others support me by becoming a reader, but all of them give me wonderful inspiration on their blogs and have been a daily source of happiness for me. So I send out a big "THANK YOU" to these fabulous women and invite you all to discover their amazing blogs. Another thank you goes out to Holly and Leslie from my BYW class. I can only recommend this great course to everyone, who has a blog or plans on creating one. For me, as a super new blogger, this has been the entry to a whole new, exciting world and lots of amazing people... Have a happy Sunday!
Einige von euch haben bestimmt schon darauf gewartet... Denn als ich meinen Onlinekurs "Blogging your way" vor drei Wochen gestartet habe (hui, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht...), versprach' ich euch, demnächst ein paar meiner neuen Blog Freunde vorzustellen. Heute starte ich mit vier wundervollen Blogs, die mich bei meinen ersten Schritten in Happy Blogland toll unterstützen. Ihre liebevollen Kommentare, der Beitritt zu meinen Lesern und die tägliche Inspiration, die sie mir mit ihren Blog-Themen geben, waren in der vergangenen Zeit sehr wertvoll für mich. Daher sende ich ein dickes "DANKESCHÖN" an diese tollen Ladies und lade euch alle ein, jeden der vier aussergewöhnlichen Blogs in Ruhe zu entdecken. Einen zauberhaften Sonntag wünscht euch Tesca!
The Odessa May Society
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photos via odessa may |
I heart: Jennie's individual blog style, her photographs and posting ideas are amazing.
Thanks Jennie for all your lovely comments, they really keep me going...
Wicker & Stitch
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photos via wicker & stitch |
I heart: Angela's talent and creativity. Not only her photographs are stunning but her blog is a wonderful place for beautiful things and keeps you happy. Thanks Angela for your support. I really hope, one day my photographs will be at least half as nice as yours ;-)
Only Things I love
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photos via only things i love |
Thanks Karen, I'm so happy to have you as my reader.... looking forward to our final week in class!
Karma & Cupcakes
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photos via karma and cupcakes |
Thanks Amy, I'll definitely be following your stories...
And of course I heart all of you!!! I'm so happy that you are reading my little blog and hope to give you some inspiration and ideas of the things that I like, things that make me happy and things that I want to share with you. Feel free to send me your thoughts... What are your interests... Which topics would you like to read more of... Thanks! xo Tesca
Nicht vergessen möchte ich am Ende dieses Posts mein Dankeschön an euch alle! Ich bin total happy, dass ihr bei meinem kleinen Blogprojekt "Wohnwasabi" dabei seid! Und auch, wenn ich noch ziemlich am Anfang stehe, freue ich mich, gemeinsam mit euch weiterhin viel Neues aus der Welt des Designs zu entdecken - von spannenden Wohnprojekten, individuellen Einrichtungsstilen, globalen Shoppingtrends und kreativen Selbstmachideen zu berichten. Schreibt' mir gerne, was euch besonders interessiert, was euch gut gefällt und was weniger. Ich bin gespannt... Eure Tesca
AntwortenLöschenI am so honored to be part of this group as well as on you list! You just made my evening! My favorite part of this class is all the AMAZING people I've 'met' all over the world. Our little blogging community we established is so inspiring and motivating...I'm sooo happy to be a part of it! Thank you again, you are too sweet!
Thanks Jennie for your warm feedback. I'm so glad we met through BYW and I'm really looking forward to finding out where all this takes us...Meeting all these wonderful new people is sooo exciting ;-)
AntwortenLöschenOh WOW Tesca, this is such a sweet surprise for a Sunday! I can't believe you included me... I feel very honored too!
AntwortenLöschenLots of love
Angela x
lovely post Tesca. You have such a warm way of expressing yourself!